a supportive & inclusive community, where you never feel alone

we're not meant to do this alone...

Society encourages independence! We no longer know our neighbours or live in the same street as wider family... we've lost our villages! There's so much conflicting advice out there & everyone claims to be an "expert"! This can all make raising a family feel lonely & isolating.

what is the Expecting Village?

This is an in person AND online community enabling you to connect,

share & grow alongside others in true community.

Experience deeper connections & real life support. Swap ideas as well as items!

Guest speakers will offer invaluable insights & advice on a wide range of

parenting topics & challenges that may lie ahead! Have your niggling questions answered in a safe space.

In person get togethers will be on offer for all the family - dip in & out as much as it suits you.

what's included...

2x live webinars

a month

Increase confidence & gain insight into relevant topics to all stages of parenting; (recorded if you can't make it live). Plus once a month community catch up (gain answers to niggling questions).

4x get togethers

a year

Connection & community in person! Spring Day Trip, a Summer Camping/Glamping getaway, Picnic & a Christmas Party!

Meet up with other Expecting Village families, in person, to share the highs & lows of family life.

regular add hoc

meet ups

Alleviate loneliness! Receive alerts when we will arrange informal gatherings for anyone available e.g. a walk/ play park meet up/ coffee shop gathering. Experience deeper connections & real life support.

in app


Questions answered, ideas floated - exchange ideas, experiences & tips; where to go/what to do. Live more sustainably by swapping/selling items within the Expecting Village.

Raise your child(ren) as part of the Expecting Village.

£22/month per family

frequently asked questions

Can friends who have never attended Expecting join?

Yes this is open to anyone with babies-teens.

Is the membership fee per person?

No! It's a monthly fee per family, regardless how many children you have.

Will the monthly fee ever increase?

The fee will always remain at the price it was when you signed up. The price to join the Expecting Village will increase but not for you so long as you keep your membership active.

Will there ever be any additional costs?

Your monthly membership fee covers everything mentioned however there will be an additional cost towards the daytrip depending each year on what we do . It will be subsidised however there may be extra to pay per person joining. The Summer camping/glamping getaway will be extra.

Will I be tied into a contract?

No! You can decide to leave the Expecting Village at any point by cancelling your subscription. Your membership will remain valid to the end of the month you have already paid for.

If I decide to leave the Expecting Village, can I rejoin again at a later date?

Yes of course, however you will be joining at the advertised price at the time.

it takes a village...

Feel confident that even when you don't have the answers, you are connected to a group of friendly parents who can help. Experience a genuine sense of community & have access to experts as you face the challenges of parenting. Know you are raising your child(ren) as society once intended - as part of a village with others who genuinely care.

© 2025 Expecting Antenatal Classes

For support, email [email protected]